How to Fix Add Media Button Not Working In WordPress

How to Fix Add Media Button Not Working In WordPress

Last modified: September 16, 2020


Media is one of the most important elements of your WordPress website. Without good media, your website will look very bland and this can be a huge problem for conversions and traffic. This is because images can sell an idea, product or service and images can be used within SEO for better ranking. The higher your rank, the more traffic you will get and the better your revenues.

So, when you can’t access the media button on a post or page, you should be worried. So here are the best solutions to fix the problem.

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* This button will show the rest of the post and open up an offer from a vendor

The Quick Fix

The quick fix for the problem is to get WordPress to load each script on its own. This prevents a JavaScript conflict from happening. What you need to do for this is to add a little code into the wp-config.php file.

To access this, open your WordPress files in an FTP program. Then find the wp-config.php file, open it up for editing and the add the following code before the final line that reads: ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging’.

define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );

Once you’ve done this, check to see if this has solved the problem. If it has not, then you might need to try something else. You also need to find a more permanent solution as this only really masks the problem. And it could cause further issues later on.

However, it does offer a temporary solution, so you can speak to a website developer or use an inspection tool to find the issue yourself.

Finding A Long Term Solution

There are some long term solutions that can be found fairly easy. For one, you could disable all the plugins on your website and then activate them one at a time to find which one is causing a conflict.

Alternatively, deactivate plugins one at a time to see if the media button returns for you. You might want to try to use a staging website for this, as this will protect your main site from major issues.

If you want to look at which plugin might be causing the issue, it is often best to check the free plugins that haven’t been updated in a long time. These are more likely to be the plugins that are causing the problem, but it is not always the case.

If deactivating the plugins has not worked, then it is likely that the problem is caused by a WordPress theme. Therefore, you should switch themes within the dashboard of the WordPress website. If this solves the problem, then the theme is causing the conflict.

You can speak to the WordPress theme author to see if they know of the problem and if they have a fix. It is likely that they will be working on one.

Final Word: How to Fix Add Media Button Not Working In WordPress

When it comes to your website, you want to be able to add images to your website. When the media button isn’t working or is not showing on the posts or pages editing screens, then you need to find a fix. This article has shown both temporary and permanent fixes for your WordPress website.

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