How To Fix The Missed Schedule Post Error In WordPress

How To Fix The Missed Schedule Post Error In WordPress

Last modified: September 10, 2020


When it comes to managing your WordPress website and a blog, it is important to manage your time efficiently while keeping a steady publishing scheme, which builds trust with audiences. This is why the blog post scheduling is a great option for your website. This helps you maintain a schedule without having to manually publishing the posts yourself, it also means that you can upload blog posts in bulk and then set them for future releases.

Of course there are times when your blog schedule might have been missed. This is a common problem for WordPress owners, and it often strikes at the worst time, like when they go on vacation.

So here is a quick and simple way you can fix this error.

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Install WP Missed Schedule

The first thing that you need to do is to download, install and activate the plugin WP Missed Schedule (only available for free on GitHub). This plugin looks for posts that have missed the scheduled time that you’ve set for them. If it finds one, then it will publish it at the right time, so all posts are in the correct order.

To save resources on the hosting server, the plugin will conduct the search about every minutes. During each search it will correct five blog posts.

Server Configuration

Sometimes, the problem isn’t to do with your WordPress setup. But instead is due to your server setup. If you find that your posts aren’t being published as they should be and you have the plugin above, then you might need to contact your hosting provider. They might be able to find the solution and fix it for you.

Otherwise, you might need to speak to a new hosting provider to ensure that you get the best deal.

This error might be more prevalent on a shared server, where resources are shared. Though this is not confirmed. However, if you’re using a shared server and your posts aren’t being shared, then you might want to consider moving to cloud hosting or VPS hosting solutions. Both of these offer you a great deal of benefits, like a faster site, better ranking on Google and better user experience.

Final Word: How To Fix The Missed Schedule Post Error In WordPress

Use the above techniques to help you when you have a missed post in the schedule. This can help you maintain a more consistent brand presence and please your audiences.

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