How to Fix Password Reset Key Error in WordPress

How to Fix Password Reset Key Error in WordPress

Last modified: October 13, 2020


Are you seeing the rather common error: ‘Could Not Save Password Reset Key To Database’ error on your WordPress website? This error effectively locks you out of your website and will occur as you’re trying to login into your the site. This article looks at how you can fix the problem easily and without the need or expense of a website developer.

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How does the ‘WordPress Could Not Save Password Reset Key’ Error Happen?

This error should first display when you’re trying to login to your WordPress site. The error will show the first signs of displaying by refreshing the login page. Then when you try to reset the password, you will see the error message ‘Could Not Save Password Reset Key To Database’.

If you’re not seeing this error message, then the login failure may be caused by another issue. You might need to look at other login issues from our list on the FAQ page.

This error message is displayed when the WordPress coding is unable to create new information into the WordPress database. Normally this is when the hosting account has used all the space that has been allocated.

As the WordPress database size is part of the disk space allocated to the account, when the data space is used up, no more data can be added.

However, there are simple edits that you can use.

Fixing the ‘WordPress Could Not Save Password Reset Key’ Error

The simple solution to this error is to connect to your website using an FTP client. Then you need to find your wp-content/uploads folder and then delete some of the large image files that are stored on your website. This will free up lots of space for your website.

Be sure that you download or backup those files on to the local drive before you delete any files. These images could be compressed to be re-uploaded at a later date.

Then you can login to your WordPress files and check what is currently being used on your account. You can delete some of the files that are too large and not being used. For instance, you can delete plugins that aren’t activated or themes that aren’t used.

You should always keep these to a minimum anyway, as while not active, all plugins are downloaded when someone lands on your website. The more plugins/themes that are installed on your website, the longer it will take for your website to load. This harms the experience of your visitors.

Another issue might be your cache plugin setup. Some WordPress users prevent their cache plugins from purging cached files. Over long periods of time, this can use up too much disk space.

A third problem might be your WordPress backup plugin. If you’re storing backup files on your server, then the backups will take up unnecessary space. You should always store backup files somewhere else. This is for space and security, if someone hacks into your website and your server contains the WordPress backup, they’ve got access to those too.

If there is no more space to find. Then you might need to upgrade your hosting package. You could try for a VPS hosting system or a managed WordPress hosting account.

Final Word: How to Fix Password Reset Key Error in WordPress

The above will help you to fix the ‘Password Reset Key’ error in WordPress. There are several options, run through them all before you try calling on the services of a website developer.

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