How to Embed a Youtube and Vimeo Video in WordPress?
Last modified: January 13, 2020
[]embed width="123" height="456"]//video-to-embed-url[]/embed]
Nowadays adding a video to a post is something you see a lot. Seeing as adding a video to your server consumes a lot of resources, most people rather adding the actual video to Youtube or Vimeo and embedding it into the post via the Embed option.
* This button will show the rest of the post and open up an offer from a vendor
How to Embed a Youtube Video on Wordpress?
This task actually got really ridiculously easy a while ago. Normally, what you would need to do is go to the Youtube video you want to embed, click the share button, and choose the Embed option. Then you would get an Iframe that you would need to paste in the “text” tab on the WordPress editor. Even though that is super easy, WordPress has simplified the process even more lately. WordPress added a feature called auto-embeds. All you need to do now is to take the URL of the video from Youtube, paste it in the visual editor within your post, wait about 3 seconds and the video will be embedded automatically. I don’t think they can simplify it any more than that now can they?
How to Embed a Vimeo Video on Wordpress?
Surprisingly, you can do the same thing on Vimeo and on various other sites.
You can get the entire embed list here.
FTI – there are many WordPress themes which are made for videos. Check out the best WordPress video themes here.
Wordpress auto embed not working?
If for some reason the Auto embed isn’t working, just add the actual embed iframe code as described above.