wordpress snippets

Disable Posts in WordPress

Last modified: January 13, 2020

Fiverr freelancers

In sounds kind of funny but sometimes you don’t want to use posts in WordPress. If you are not planning on using them, they should definitely be disabled. Here is how you do that:

Disable Posts in the WordPress Admin

Add a new file in your FTP called disableposts.php and paste this into it:


Plugin Name: WP Disable Posts
Plugin URI: http://tonykwon.com/wordpress-plugins/wp-disable-posts/
Description: This plugin disables the built-in WordPress Post Type `post`
Version: 0.1
Author: Tony Kwon
Author URI: http://tonykwon.com/wordpress-plugins/wp-disable-posts/
License: GPLv3

class WP_Disable_Posts


  public function __construct()


    global $pagenow;

    /* checks the request and redirects to the dashboard */

    add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'disallow_post_type_post') );

    /* removes Post Type `Post` related menus from the sidebar menu */

    add_action( 'admin_menu', array( __CLASS__, 'remove_post_type_post' ) );

    if ( !is_admin() && ($pagenow != 'wp-login.php') ) {

      /* need to return a 404 when post_type `post` objects are found */

      add_action( 'posts_results', array( __CLASS__, 'check_post_type' ) );

      /* do not return any instances of post_type `post` */

      add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', array( __CLASS__, 'remove_from_search_filter' ) );




   * checks the request and redirects to the dashboard

   * if the user attempts to access any `post` related links


   * @access public

   * @param none

   * @return void


  public static function disallow_post_type_post()


    global $pagenow, $wp;

    switch( $pagenow ) {

      case 'edit.php':

      case 'edit-tags.php':

      case 'post-new.php':

        if ( !array_key_exists('post_type', $_GET) && !array_key_exists('taxonomy', $_GET) && !$_POST ) {

          wp_safe_redirect( get_admin_url(), 301 );







   * loops through $menu and $submenu global arrays to remove any `post` related menus and submenu items


   * @access public

   * @param none

   * @return void



  public static function remove_post_type_post()


    global $menu, $submenu;







    $done = false;

    foreach( $menu as $k => $v ) {

      foreach($v as $key => $val) {

        switch($val) {

          case 'Posts':


            $done = true;




      /* bail out as soon as we are done */

      if ( $done ) {




    $done = false;

    foreach( $submenu as $k => $v ) {

      switch($k) {

        case 'edit.php':


          $done = true;



      /* bail out as soon as we are done */

      if ( $done ) {






   * checks the SQL statement to see if we are trying to fetch post_type `post`


   * @access public

   * @param array $posts,  found posts based on supplied SQL Query ($wp_query->request)

   * @return array $posts, found posts


  public static function check_post_type( $posts = array() )


    global $wp_query;

    $look_for = "wp_posts.post_type = 'post'";

    $instance = strpos( $wp_query->request, $look_for );


      http://localhost/?m=2013		- yearly archives

      http://localhost/?m=201303		- monthly archives

      http://localhost/?m=20130327	- daily archives

      http://localhost/?cat=1			- category archives

      http://localhost/?tag=foobar	- tag archives

      http://localhost/?p=1			- single post


    if ( $instance !== false ) {

      $posts = array(); // we are querying for post type `post`


    return $posts;



   * excludes post type `post` to be returned from search


   * @access public

   * @param null

   * @return object $query, wp_query object


  public static function remove_from_search_filter( $query )


    if ( !is_search() ) {

      return $query;


    $post_types = get_post_types();

    if ( array_key_exists('post', $post_types) ) {

      /* exclude post_type `post` from the query results */

      unset( $post_types['post'] );


    $query->set( 'post_type', array_values($post_types) );

    return $query;



new WP_Disable_Posts;

Add the following to functions.php:

include "disableposts.php";

Now when you refresh your admin you won’t see posts anymore.

Taken from Github.

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* This button will show the rest of the post and open up an offer from a vendor
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