How to Add a Blog Post in WordPress with Elementor

How to Add a Blog Post in WordPress with Elementor

Last modified: May 17, 2023


Blogging is one of the most important activities that you need to do with your website. It helps you rank, convert and become a recognized expert in your niche. However, so many people don’t realize how important it is to create a blog that will work. So in this article, we will discuss how to add a blog post in WordPress with Elementor.

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* This button will show the rest of the post and open up an offer from a vendor

Why Blog?

There are numerous reasons why you will want to blog. However, it is simply down to the amount of power that you will get from using blogging in your general marketing campaigns. There are lots of great benefits to adding blog posts, for example:

Improves Trustworthiness

Customers love to read blogs, with the average person reading about 4-5 articles per day. Usually, these are information-based or opinion based. And within each blog post is your personality. Therefore, you are becoming more relevant to the audience and building trust with them. Therefore, you can build a relationship that will help you sell.

Improves Rank

You can help to get more traffic to your website through the use of blogging. You can use each blog post to target a completely different keyword, therefore improving the range of keywords and queries that can lead directly back to you. In addition, you can be more attractive to other bloggers who might want to link to you. Therefore, you can improve your website’s rank on Google across a broad spectrum of content.

Increases Leads

Every blog post is an opportunity to increase lead generation. There are several options here from a popup that can help subscribe customers to your mailing list. Or you can have a call to action on your website that allows you to get customers to inquire.

How to Add a Blog Post in WordPress with Elementor

Adding a blog post in WordPress with Elementor is relatively simple. The first thing that you need to do is to access the WordPress backend and then head to the ‘posts’ section. Then you can click on the button to add a new blog post and click on the edit with Elementor.

Then you can add a blog post using the Elementor framework. There are numerous advantages to this as you can make the blog post look more enticing, adding images and text in different formats that make the blog look more unique than the standardized design that is often deployed on standard WordPress websites.

Another factor is that you can add a call to action and other elements that you can set as a global widget. Therefore, if you change something, like an offer, it can be changed across all the blog posts and pages on the website that contain the global widget. So you can keep old content more relevant with ease.

Final Word: How to Add a Blog Post in WordPress with Elementor

Above are all the details that you need to know when you want to learn how to add a blog post in WordPress with Elementor. Technically, it isn’t that hard to complete. However, it can be time-consuming. Though with enough effort and the right mindset, you can build a better website that will convert more of your audience.

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