WordPress Plugins for Blocking Countries

12 WordPress Plugins for Blocking Countries Compared - 2025

Last modified: May 28, 2023

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WordPress plugins are an incredibly useful element of the WordPress world. There are plugins for almost anything you can think of so you can have the ability to add more features and elements to your WordPress site instead of relying solely on whatever your WordPress theme has to offer. For example, if you have a travel blog you can get a Google maps plugin so people can see where in the world you have been by looking at your map or if you want to translate your site you can add a WP plugin to help you do that as well, and other similar kinds of helpful features and tools. The post we have today is about WordPress plugins for blocking countries. This can kind of fall under the category of security because many of these plugins help you to protect your site from people in countries or places that may want to bring your site harm through spam or other methods. So let’s now talk about how using one of these plugins can be beneficial to your site and even make it more secure.

WordPress Plugins for Blocking Countries Can Make Your Site More Secure

We all know that the world wide web can be a dangerous place. We always hear about hacking, and people stealing information and viruses so if you have a website you should want to protect it to the best of your abilities. By including one of these WordPress plugins for blocking countries, you are providing your WordPress site with an extra shield and layer of protection. Many of these plugins give you the power to be very specific about who you choose to disallow access to your site. By choosing you can and cannot access your site you will not only protect the content’s of your website but your site itself from harm.

# Name Image
IQ Block Country
IQ Block Country
More Info
Blocker-Blocking Plugin
Blocker-Blocking Plugin
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WP Adsense Guard-Protect your Google Adsense
WP Adsense Guard Plugin
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WordFence-Firewall and Security Scanner Plugin
WordFence-Firewall and Security Scanner Plugin
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Page and Content Controller-Control Your Site's Content (no longer available)
Dynamic Page Content and Menus for WordPress - Professional Edition
Not Available
Country and Mobile Redirect-Redirect WP Plugin (no longer available)
Country and Mobile Redirect for WordPress - Professional Edition
Not Available
WP Geo Website Protection-Security Plugin (no longer available)
WP Geo Website Protection-Security Plugin (no longer available)
Not Available
IP2Location Country Blocker-Block Visitors from Certain Countries
IP2Location Country Blocker-Block Visitors from Certain Countries
Not Available
Geo Block-Traffic Redirect Plugin (no longer available)
Geo Block-Traffic Redirect Plugin (no longer available)
Not Available
CloudFare Manager-Blocking Plugin
CloudFare Manager-Blocking Plugin
Not Available
IP Geo Block-Protection WP Plugin (no longer available)
IP Geo Block-Protection WP Plugin (no longer available)
Not Available
Country IP Specific Redirections-Country Redirect Plugin (no longer available)
Country IP Specific Redirections-Country Redirect Plugin (no longer available)
Not Available
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IQ Block Country

IQ Block Country

The IQ Block Country WordPress plugin does exactly what its name says, allow or disallow users to access your site or certain specific content from defined countries. You can not allow visitors from countries that you feel may cause your site issues such as spamming or hacking. With the IQ Block Country you can also choose specific IP addresses to block or allow.

For instance you can block an entire country from accessing your site but allow certain IP addresses from that country to have access to your content. When you block a visitor you can choose to either show a message which you can create using CSS or redirect them to a page within your WordPress site. The IQ Block Country plugin uses the GeoLite database from Maxmind which has a 99.5% which is excellent for  a free database.

WordFence-Firewall and Security Scanner Plugin

WordFence-Firewall and Security Scanner Plugin

The Wordfence WordPress plugin is considered to be one of the most popular WordPress firewall and security scanner. The Wordfence plugin comes with an endpoint firewall and malware scanner that was built solely to protect WordPress. How the firewall works is that it identifies and then blocks malicious traffic and the integrated malware scanner blocks any request that has malicious code or content.

There is also protection from things like brute force attacks by limiting the amount of login attempts and by enforcing strong passwords and other similar security measures. What the security scanner does is check core files, themes and plugins for things like: malware, SEO spam, backdoors, malicious redirects and other similar hazardous things. With the Wordfence plugin you will also have the ability to monitor visits and hack attempts in real time and see where the originated from, IP address, and the time of day and time spent on your site.

... and Scan WP's recommended WordPress theme is... Astra (Click to try)

WP Geo Website Protection-Security Plugin (no longer available)

WP Geo Website Protection-Security Plugin (no longer available)

Next up on our list of WordPress Plugins for Blocking Countries we have the WP Geo Website Protection plugin. This is considered a security plugin that is used for limiting access to your site from unwanted countries or IP addresses. You will have the ability to enable or disable visitors from certain countries for parts of the content on your WP site.

You can not only ban visitors based on the country they are in but you can also ban certain IP addresses that are characterized as things like hack attempts or spam or doing things like brute forcing your passwords. You can also choose to block users form an entire country or choose specific IP addresses to block from a certain country. And you can filter “front end visitors and visitors who want to log in to WordPress back end” by using the WP Geo Website Protection plugin.

IP2Location Country Blocker-Block Visitors from Certain Countries

IP2Location Country Blocker-Block Visitors from Certain Countries

We are kicking off our list of WordPress plugins for blocking countries with the IP2Location Country Blocker plugin. This is a free WordPress plugin that will give you the ability to block certain site visitors from the front end (like blog pages) or back end (like the admin area) by country or proxy servers.

You will be able to not just block one country, but you can also block access from several different countries and anonymous proxies. The IP2Location Country Blocker plugin can also support both the IP2Location BIN data as well as web service for geolocation queries. If you want to use the BIN data all you have to do is download and update the BIN data via the plugin settings page. You can also do this manually by using links provided by this plugin.

Other Features of IP2Location Country Blocker Are:

  • Customize your own 403 page
  • Give statistical reports of traffics blocked
  • You can whitelist the crawler
  • Sends you an email notification is someone is trying to access your admin area

Geo Block-Traffic Redirect Plugin (no longer available)

Geo Block-Traffic Redirect Plugin (no longer available)

We have arrived at number five of our WordPress plugins for blocking countries with the Geo Block plugin. With this WP plugin you will have the option of either blocking your entire website or just certain pages from being accessed by visitors that are from either: selected countries, selected states, selected cities or you can even get really specific and choose and longitude and latitude or radius.

When an unwanted visitor tries to access your site he will then be redirected away from your website. You can also choose to block certain IP addresses instead of blocking large areas of people. And with the Geo Block plugin you will also have the ability to create several blocks for different pages. So if you are looking for a quick fix for redirecting any unwanted traffic to your site then this is a good plugin option for you.

Country IP Specific Redirections-Country Redirect Plugin (no longer available)

Country IP Specific Redirections-Country Redirect Plugin (no longer available)

The Country IP Specific Redirections WordPress plugin will give you the ability to automatically redirect your site visitors based on the country they are in and a set of rules which you will define yourself in the WordPress admin panel. You will be able to choose which page the visitors will be redirected to. It is entirely in your control who gets redirected and where they get redirected to.

You can create a site wide redirect rule it does not matter what kind of page or post or category it is. You can also choose to have a mass redirect by adding a mass redirect rule for any unwanted traffic. There are easy back end admin options so customizing and making adjustments should be pain free. There is a comprehensive admin manual as well should you run into any issues and need some help.

Final Thoughts

Who knew there were so many different plugin options for blocking users from your website? Now that you have gotten a taste of many different options and the various features they come with, we hope you have found the right one to help better protect your site. Even if it may seem over cautious, it is better to be safe than sorry when dealing with your personal belongings, and that includes your very own WordPress site.

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