WordPress font plugins

12 Best WordPress Font Plugins Compared - 2025

Last modified: May 28, 2023

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So you have your WordPress website up and running. Figured out all the details of which theme to use and what you want your site to look like and the content you want to create and now you have reached the customizing part. For all of you creative types out there, the customizing part of making your website is just as much fun, if not even more fun, than actually getting it operational. You probably have an idea of what you want it to look like. You thought about color schemes and images and layout and you have begun building the site of your dreams. But maybe you want to do something even more to make your site special and give it some extra pizazz and personal feel. But what can you do? You have your own content and other features of your site to make it unique, is there anything else you could possibly do? The answer is yes. You can incorporate one of these WordPress font plugins to make every detail of your site personal to your taste.

12 WordPress Font Plugins – Which Should you Use?

Well the answer to that question will depend on what you want to use the font plugin for. Do you want to do complex things like use Latin or Greek text, or maybe something simple like just changing up the font style? Each of these plugins will actually offer you something slightly different than the others. Who knew there were so many features that come with font plugins? So think for a minute first about what it is you want your WordPress font plugin to be able to do and then you will have a better idea of what you are looking for. So let’s get started with our pick of the best 12 WordPress font plugins on the market.

# Name Image
More Info
WP Cufon
WP Cufon
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Not Available
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WP Google Fonts
WP Google Fonts
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WP Web Fonts
WP Web Fonts
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AGP Font Awesome
AGP Font Awesome
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Use Any Font
Use Any Font
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Better Font Awesome
Better Font Awesome
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Custom fonts and colors
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Arabic Webfonts
Arabic Webfonts
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Zeno Font Resizer
Zeno Font Resizer
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Let’s get our WordPress font plugins list started with the Fontific plugin. This plugin makes it super easy for you to use fonts that are available from the Google Web Fonts library. To get this plugin up and running all you have to do is install and activate it and then define font rules on the Fonts panel in the WP Appearance menu. Once this is done, specify css selector to which the ruled had been applied, setup the font setting and then save the changes you have made.

There is also a live preview to make choosing your fonts easier s you can see what they will actually look like without you needing to save it. Lastly, the Fontific WordPress plugin comes with friendly UI which allows you to easily use the sliders to adjust font size or line height. So if you are looking for something simple and easy to use this plugin choice is definitely a good option.

WP Cufon

WP Cufon

The WP Cufon WordPress font plugin is actually a very specific kind of font plugin because it is used just for implementing Cufon font replacement for your WordPress website. Once this plugin is installed and activated the only thing you will have to do in order to convert your font files is upload them to the plugin’s font directory. Once this is done you will then be able to activate the fonts you want to use in the Admin Menu area and specify which of the elements need to be replaced with Cufon fonts.

This plugin is super easy to setup and has a wide variety of fonts available so you have loads of options. The one downside with WP Cufon is that you will need to host your own font files which will add to the bandwidth usage if you have a high traffic site. You also need to double check the license for any of your fonts to make sure you can use them on the web.



This next plugin of our WordPress font plugins is super simple and easy to use so if you aren’t too tech savvy and want a plugin that is a cinch to use then Fontdeck is great option for you. This plugin makes adding custom fonts to your websites a snap. You will be able to easily add the Fontdeck fonts to your WordPress website. This plugin also allows you to host custom fonts for clients and it is able to handle sites with a lot of traffic.

All you have to do to be able o use this plugin is install it in your site’s plugin directory and then activate it. Then you will create your project on Fontdeck’s website and add the fonts of your choosing. Once this is done you will place the project’s ID into the plugin setting page where you will then be able to choose which texts will get which fonts. The Fontdeck plugin also has a wide variety of premium fonts available that you can pay for if you want extra options.



If you are looking to use Typekits fonts on your WordPress site then the Typekits font plugin is the right choice for you. This WordPress font plugin is different from ones we have seen so far and other font plugins available because it has paid plans that provide you with access to a large font library and allows you to have higher amounts of page views. However, there is also a free plan available but it has a much more limited amount of fonts to choose from. All of the fonts available with this plugin are standard compliant, fully licensed and accessible.

Once you have got the Typekit plugin installed with your site you either need to configure some Typekit selectors or define your own CSS rules. If you decide to use your own CSS rules it will give you more control and will give you access to more attributes like font-weight.

WP Google Fonts

WP Google Fonts

The fifth of our WordPress font plugin has become one of the most, if not the most, popular WordPress font plugins on the market, and from its name you can probably tell why. The WP Google Fonts plugin is an especially easy font plugin option for those of you who may be tech challenged. With this plugin you will get “Google’s free service to add high quality fonts to your WordPress powered site”.

This plugin will add the necessary Google code and it will give you the ability to assign the Google fonts to certain CSS elements of your choosing on your website. You also have the option of targeting the Google fonts from your own theme’s style sheet. Unfortunately there is no live preview with this particular plugin but it does show you what each font style looks like so you have an idea of what your text would look like using a certain font. As of now, the Google directory has hundreds of different font choices and that list is steadily growing.

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WP Web Fonts

WP Web Fonts

The WP Web Fonts plugin choice also works with Google web fonts.In order to use this plugin, all you have to do is find the font you want to use from the Google web fonts site and then copy and paste the code into the correct places on the WP Web Fonts options page so they can be added into your site’s HTML and CSS.

With this plugin it seems that you will need to edit your theme’s CSS if you want to integrate the different fonts you chose into your style sheet. If you don’t do this what will happen is that all of the font on your site will be changed to the new font of your choosing. While this plugin is super easy to install it is a little complicated to execute so it is not recommended for people who do not like or know how to code.

AGP Font Awesome

AGP Font Awesome

This next plugin, as you may have come to realize from its name, allows you to integrate Font Awesome icons into your WordPress site or blog. This plugin doesn’t just offer you normal fonts to customize your site with, it comes with font icons which are fonts that come in visual images. You will be able to use Font Awesome based icons, buttons, and more by using simple shortcodes “with flexible parameters” or you can decide to use the Visual Constructor. With AGP Font Awesome you will have the power to change font color, , the text and even the background color. So if you are super into customizing this may be a great plugin option.

The AGP Font Awesome WordPress plugin has several more features, including a few new ones, such as:

  • You can now use the Font Awesome Icons in the WordPress menu
  • Sliders
  • A promotion widget
  • Shortcode container
  • Advertising and promotion features
  • You can add any of the Font Awesome icons and use it as: simple icon, icon with text, icon button, and more.

Use Any Font

Use Any Font

Using CSS to change a design or style on your WordPress site can be a huge difficulty, and a near impossibility if you don’t know how to use code. This next plugin of our WordPress font plugins is very different from some of the other plugin choices because the Use Any Font WordPress plugin allows you to use own custom fonts along with their specifications which is much easier than doing it with code. All you have to do is upload your font and then you can turn it into a web friendly format. Another huge advantage to the Use Any Font plugin versus other ones, is that it uses your own server to store your fonts which means it will take much less time to retrieve them when a page reloads.

More features of the Use Any Font WordPress font plugin are:

  • Supports font formats such as: ttf, otf, woff
  • Multiple custom fonts can be used
  • Use uploaded fonts directly from WordPress Editor

Better Font Awesome

Better Font Awesome

The Better Font Awesome plugin is another WordPress font plugin from Font Awesome. By using this plugin you will be able to automatically integrate the latest available version of Font Awesome into your WordPress project in addition to any accompanying CSS, shortcodes and TINYMCE icon shortcode generator. you will also have more extendiblity options for when using Font Awesome.

Each of the icons will be able to be exported as shortcodes or as HTML code snippets and you will be able to use them directly in you WordPress content editor. There is also a feature that adds CDN support which will give maximum deliverability and performance. In addition, if you are a developer, there is also backwards compatibility so you can switch between different versions of Font Awesome and not lose any of the shortcodes you have built. Lastly, the Better Font Awesome plugin also has a shortcode generator and it will also work with other plugins.


Custom fonts and colors

And we have reached number 10 of our WordPress font plugins with another plugin that wants to also use your Customizer feature of WordPress. Styleguide allows you to easily and quickly edit fonts in addition to colors in your WordPress theme by using the Customizer which will allow you to see live previews of your edits before needing to save.

All of the default WordPress themes can support the Styleguide plugin so almost any WordPress site can have its font customized. This is also a plugin that developers can extend to add their own theme development projects which will make it easier for customers and clients for the fonts that they want to use for their WordPress blog or site. The WordPress Styleguide plugin comes with 45 Google fonts as choices for personalizing your site. It can also support character sets from: Hebrew, Latin, Vietnamese, Greek, and more.

Arabic Webfonts

Arabic Webfonts

You may be able to guess from our next font plugin’s name what exactly it will do. The Arabic Webfonts plugin does just what you think it does, allow you to add Arabic f0nts to your WordPress site. But what you may not know is that this plugin is super easy to use and does not require you to use or know any code. This plugin supports the WP Customizer and will integrate it so you will be able to preview all of the Arabic fonts on your website in real time. You will be able to create custom font controls within the plugin’s admin page area so you can control certain CSS selectors. Once you have created them, the custom font controls will become instantly available to you in the customizer.

The Arabic Webfonts WordPress plugin has a few more features, such as:

  • Control in the font: type, size and style
  • Adding custom font controls
  • Reset any section settings

Zeno Font Resizer

Zeno Font Resizer

And last but not least we have reached the dozenth of our WordPress font plugins with the Zeno Font Resizer. This plugin might not do what you were assuming it does. You probably assumed that this plugin would help you to resize the fonts of your WordPress site, but in fact the Zeno Font Resizer plugin allows your users to change the font size of your website to their liking using their browser. You will be able to easily add a font resizer widget to your sidebar and since the widget uses JQuery your users will be able to adjust the font size without needing to reload the page.

More features of the WordPress Zeno Font Resizer plugin include:

  • Admin page to set which content is being resized
  • Use the standard widget or code to add to your theme
  • The setting are saved in a cookie so your visitors will see the same font size when they revisit

Final Thoughts

So I hope this article was helpful in your font plugin decision. I know it is hard to believe that there are so many options and features that come with all of these different WordPress font plugins. But now that you have seen them compared back to back I hope you have figured out (without too much headache) which of these plugins is right for your WordPress site.

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