Elementor: How to Make Image Full Width

Elementor: How to Make Image Full Width

Last modified: May 9, 2023


Images are very powerful online. Not only do they look aesthetically pleasing, but they can also play a significant part in the success and growth of your business website’s revenue stream. And large images can have a significant impact. So in this “Elementor: How to Make Image Full Width” article, we will be looking at how to make an image full width.

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Advantages of Images on a Website

There are numerous advantages of an image on a website. For instance, you can add meta tags to the image that can improve the website’s SEO ranking. Though this can be done by using Yoast SEO and some alternative SEO plugins, these will all mention having an image on a website with the right details.

In addition, websites with images convert more visitors. The exact figure of the growth can be very challenging to judge. The size of the image, the quality, and even the placement can have a massive impact on the success rate of the image conversion.

Another bonus of images on a website is that they can break up text on a page. Therefore, users are more enticed to stay on the website and read more. Improving the visitor time on Elementor websites allows you to have more chances to convert them and improves website performance on search engines.

Disadvantages of Images

Of course, there are always some disadvantages to images on a website. For instance, images require a lot more memory space than other forms of content (except video and audio). More memory requires more loading time.

Loading time can have a massive impact on your website’s conversion, with every second loading costing your website 7% in revenue. Therefore, you need to optimize images so they take less memory. One option is to use a tool like RIOT to minimize the memory. Another option is to change the file format to WebP, which is a web format for images that utilizes much less space.

Another option is lazy loading, which is where images are only loaded as they’re required. So if they’re below the fold, the image isn’t loaded to the browser until the user reaches down there.

How to Make Image Full Width

Full-width images can be particularly enticing. They can fill blank spaces and improve a website’s general appearance.

To do this on Elementor, it is relatively simple. You need to set the image as the background to the section and then you want to set the position to ‘center’ and ‘repeat’ to ‘no repeat’. This can be found in the image settings on the image widget in the Elementor widget sections. Just be sure to drag it into the right space on the website.

If you want to have the image as a full-size hero, then you might need to set the height to 100vh.

Final Word: Elementor: How to Make Image Full Width

Above, in the article ‘Elementor: How to Make Image Full Width’ we’ve discussed how you can make an image on your website repeat across the whole of a page. It is a relatively simple process that doesn’t take too long to complete. Good luck with your project.

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