Best Wordpress directory themes

3 Best WordPress Directory Themes Compared - 2024

Last modified: May 28, 2023


Some websites are purely informational. This is the case of directory sites. Whether it is for a business, school, or club, these sites often need to be updated regularly. The best WordPress directory themes are simple to operate for a variety of guests.

Best WordPress Directory Themes: Lists Made Easy

Directories are a major part of many organizations. Gone are the days when your child’s school handed out a paper directory, or when all of the employees were listed in a formal binder. The days of searching for jobs in the newspaper are also fading away. Information must be readily available online for everything from your your child’s football team to corporate businesses with hundreds of employees. Real estate sites, employment sites, and other informational businesses rely on directory type themes. The best WordPress Directory themes aim to make this massive listing project an organized reality.

# Name Image
Factual Villa Bootstrap Real Estate Template
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ListingPro - Directory WordPress Theme
ListingPro - Directory WordPress Theme
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Job Board Lite
Job Board Lite
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Factual Villa Bootstrap Real Estate Template


The Factual Villa theme is different from traditional list type directories. It is aimed at offering a public service to those who are looking for a specific item, a home. Sites like this have become extremely popular, allowing the general public to begin their search early, before hiring a realtor. Factual Villa allows for the use of sliders to show details about properties and then the user can scroll down to view the statistics of the property. Individual realtors can use this site to list the properties they are selling. This allows for all of their properties to be in one place for viewing, even if they are all over town.

Factual Villa is free and has some excellent amenities. It integrates well onto all devices, giving users the flexibility they desire. This theme has to accommodate a lot of pictures, so the rest of the template is kept simple. The homes on the site at the personal responsibility of the realtor, Factual Villa is just the host. The simple setup and ease of navigation are, however, the selling points when it comes to consumer traffic.

Job Board Lite

Job Board Lite

Job Board Lite is aimed at conglomerating job listings. These listings often need to be categorized in many different ways, allowing for various search filters. Therefore, this theme needs to meet many requirements while also maintaining a certain ease of use. Site developers can choose from the premium or free version, depending on their specific needs. This is great for those who might want to give it a try before committing to a purchase.

The attractive part of Job Board Lite is its modern and professional appearance. This is an important feature for prospective employees. Organization is key when it comes to managing a multitude of jobs, many that can fit into several categories. The most frustrating part of job sites is the inability to pull up a proper search with keywords, therefore never finding a job that may actually be available. Job Board Lite aims to alleviate these issues with every possible genre already included and room to add more. With easy maintenance a prime attribute, this theme is ready to work for you.

Final Thoughts

Directory sites on WordPress are available to meet a variety of needs. They range from small and personal to having large business capability. Many of these themes are already setup to include various features, such as the need to monetize, user interaction, and photo slides. Some directory sites are aimed at a certain type of business, while others are compatible with a variety of different goals.

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